2021 Senior Presentation Evening
Saturday October 31st saw over 370 of our Senior players, staff, Committee Members and families descend on the MECC for our Presentation evening. The event was a huge success, and everyone was thrilled with the location and atmosphere that celebrated our Senior teams, players and their achievements in 2021.
Perpetual Trophy Winners for 2021:
Don Bowman Perpetual Sportsman of the Year – Tanner Quattromani (U17 Boys)
Under 12 Bill Smith Quiet Achiever Award – Lexie McGilvray (U12 Girls)
MOD Player of the Year (U10, U11, U12 only) – Amos Grigg (U12 Boys)
Leo & Debbie Kane International Encouragement Award (U13-17) – Tyler Kerr (U17 Boys)
Pat & Marg Daley International Players/Player (U13-17) – George Gofton (U13 Boys) and Kooper Shears (U14 Boys)
Female Player of the Year – Emily Bella (U17 Girls)
Bevin (Cussa) and Jean Saron Family International Player of the Year (U13-17) – Baden Robinson (U17 Boys)
Tom Newberry Best & Fairest Club Player of the Year (U13-17) – Emily Bella (U17 Girls)
Jeff & Roz Bennington Award Commitment & Consistency (U13 & 14 only) – Miles Kerrisk (U13 Boys)
John & Irene Mulherin Top Rooster Clubman of the Year – Campbell Grisan-Hodges
A very special congratulations and acknowledgement went to newest life member, Bernie Vella. Bernie has undertaken the massive job of Merchandise Co-ordinator for several years and is always the first to put her hand up to be of assistance. “Ask Bernie!” is the common catch phrase you will hear around the club. Bernie has supported teams in all age groups over the years and you will have often spotted her dashing from JRL to Brothers and back again to drop off merchandise. Clubs don’t function without the Bernie Vellas of the world; we are all grateful for your efforts, Bernie!
This presentation was the last “large” function that Anne-Louise Wegner, as Functions Co-ordinator, has organised. Anne-Louise has done an amazing job for as our functions co-ordinator and always ensures everything goes smoothly whether it be Super Saturday, volunteer drinks or home games. Anne-Louise’s efforts ensure this lovely evening was a success – thanks A-L!
Mention also went to Trish Atherton, our outgoing Treasurer, who has ensured our accounts and budgets have been managed successfully. Trish is always organised and approachable. Thank you, Trish!
A massive thank you to our sponsors for the evening:
Key Solutions
CQ Field Mining Services
Red Rooster Canelands
Mackay Pet Crematorium
Tropical Exposure
Mackay Denture Clinic